Table of Contents >> Section III: Using File Scavenger

I have read the WARNING above: Check this box to acknowledge you have read the warning about not creating a disk image file on the drive holding the lost data.

Source drive: The drive from which the disk image file is being created.

Destination Folder: The folder in which the disk image file is being created. The folder must be located on a drive with as much free space as displayed in the Disk space required field. For best performance, use a newly-formatted internal drive.

Binary: Creates a disk image file in binary format to be used by programs such as File Scavenger®.

Text: Creates a disk image file readable by humans but not usable by programs. This option allows our technical support staff to dump a small range of sectors for viewing.

First sector: The first sector from which data is to be copied.

Last sector: The last sector to copy.

Disk space required: The minimum amount of free disk space required on the destination drive for this action.

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